2016 AAO Webinar - Considerations for Orthodontic and Ortho/Pedo Partnerships

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With the number of orthodontic partnerships and ortho/pedo partnerships on the rise, more and more orthodontists are questioning how such partnerships can be structured to be fair and beneficial to all parties involved. Doug Copple of Bentson Clark & Copple discusses key items to consider when entering into a partnership arrangement.

After this lecture you will be able to:

  • Explain the motives for entering into an orthodontic partnership;
  • Discuss the items to consider when creating a partnership with a pediatric dentist;
  • Recognize each party’s goals and perspectives in a partnership arrangement;
  • Discuss allocation methods in a partnership arrangement.
Doug Copple is a partner of Bentson Clark & Copple, LLC which provides valuation and transition services to orthodontists within the United States. He is a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), a designation granted by the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts. Doug ensures the firm’s practice valuations are properly performed and adhere to generally accepted valuation standards. Doug is also integral in structuring and negotiating orthodontic partnerships and purchase transactions and the related tax and structural issues between buyers and sellers.


Speaker Image for Doug Copple
Bentson, Copple & Associates, LLC.

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